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\renewcommand\refname{List of Recent Publications}
\pagestyle{fancyplain}\fancyhead[L]{Vlado Keselj}\fancyhead[R]{Publications}


\subsection*{Book Editing}

Vlado Keselj, Jimmy Huang, and Evangelos Milios (ed.).
\newblock Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2018.
Halifax, Canada, August 2018.

Atefeh Farzindar and Vlado Keselj (ed.).
\newblock Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 23rd Canadian Conference
on Artificial intelligence, Canadian AI 2010.
vol.~LNAI 6085. Springer. Ottawa, Canada, May/June 2010.

Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Peter Bath, and Vlado Keselj (ed.).
\newblock Advancing Health Information Management and Health
Informatics: Issues, Strategies, and Tools; Proceedings of the 11th
International Symposium for Health Information Management Research
(iSHIMR 2006).
. Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova
Scotia, Canada, July 2006.

Keselj, Vlado and Endo, Tsutomu (ed.).
\newblock Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics, PACLING'03.
. Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 2003.

\subsection*{Book Chapters}

Calvin Thomas, Vlado Keselj, Nick Cercone, Kenneth Rockwood, and Elissa
\newblock Detecting and Rating Dementia of Alzheimer Type through
Lexical Analysis of Spontaneous Speech.
\newblock In {\em Computational Approaches to Assistive Technologies for
People with Disabilities\/.}
pp.~154--171. IOS Press, Inc.. Fairfax, VA, USA, 2013.

Lalita Narupiyakul, Vlado Keselj, Nick Cercone, and Booncharoen
\newblock Speech and Prosodic Processing for Assistive Technology.
\newblock In {\em Computational Approaches to Assistive Technologies for
People with Disabilities\/.}
pp.~36--48. IOS Press, Inc.. Fairfax, VA, USA, 2013.

Nick Cercone, Lijun Hou, Vlado Keselj, Aijun An, and Kanlaya
\newblock From Computational to Web Intelligence.
\newblock In {\em Computing and Information Sciences: Recent Trends\/.}
pp.~163--178. Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi, 2003.

\subsection*{Journal Papers}

Ahmed Balfagih and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Twitter Arabic Dialect Identification using Different Feature
Engineering Models.
\newblock {\em The Communications of the IBIMA,\/} 2023.
Accepted, extended version of the conference paper..

Balfagih, Ahmed, Keselj, Vlado, and Taylor, Stacey.
\newblock N-gram and Word2Vec Feature Engineering Approaches for Spam
Recognition on Some Influential Twitter Topics in Saudi Arabia.
\newblock {\em Journal of Advances in Information Technology,\/} 2022.

Maria Gabriella Mosquera and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Identifying Electronic Gaming Machine Gambling Personae
through Unsupervised Session Classification.
\newblock {\em Big Data and Information Analytics (BDIA),\/} vol.~2,
pp.~141--175. American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. April 2017.

Axel J. Soto, Ryan Kiros, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock Machine Learning Meets Visualization for Extracting Insights
from Text Data.
\newblock {\em AI Matters,\/} vol.~2,
pp.~15--17. ACM. December 2015.

Axel J. Soto, Ryan Kiros, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock Exploratory Visual Analysis and Interactive Pattern Extraction
from Semi-Structured Data.
\newblock {\em ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
(TiiS),\/} vol.~5, pps.~36, October 2015.

Haibin Liu, Vlado Keselj, and Christian Blouin.
\newblock Exploring a Subgraph Matching Approach for Extracting
Biological Events from Literature.
\newblock {\em Computational Intelligence,\/} vol.~30,
pp.~600-635. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.. 2014.

Haibin Liu, Lawrence Hunter, Vlado Keselj, and Karin Verspoor.
\newblock Approximate Subgraph Matching-based Literature Mining for
Biomedical Events and Relations.
\newblock {\em PLOS ONE,\/} vol.~8. Public Library of Science. pps.~16,
April 2013.

Haibin Liu, Christian Blouin, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Sentence identification of biological interactions using
PATRICIA tree generated patterns and genetic algorithm optimized
\newblock {\em Data \& Knowledge Engineering,\/} vol.~69,
pp.~137--152. Elsevier Science Publishers. 2010.

Connie Adsett, Yannick Marchand, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Syllabification Rules Versus Data-driven Methods in a Language
with Low Syllabic Complexity: The Case of Italian.
\newblock {\em Computer Speech and Language,\/} vol.~23,
pp.~444--463. Elsevier. October 2009.

Jacek Wolkowicz, Zbigniew Kulka, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock n-Gram Based Approach to Composer Recognition.
\newblock {\em Archives of Acoustics,\/} vol.~33,
pp.~43--55, 2008.

Chris Jordan, Jane E. Tougas, John Healy, Vlado Keselj, and Carolyn
\newblock Swordfish2: Using Kernel Density Estimation to Smooth Ngram
Models for Morphological Analysis.
\newblock {\em Journal of Interesting Negative Results in Natural
Language Processing and Machine Learning,\/} vol.~1,
pp.~1--18, 2008.

Vlado Keselj and Danko Sipka.
\newblock A Suffix Subsumption-based Approach to Building Stemmers and
Lemmatizers for Highly Inflectional Languages with Sparse Resources.
\newblock {\em INFOTHECA, Journal of Informatics and Librarianship,\/}
pp.~23a--33a, 21--31, May 2008.

Lalita Narupiyakul, Vlado Keselj, Nick Cercone, and Booncharoen
\newblock Focus to Emphasize Tone Analysis for Prosodic Generation.
\newblock {\em Computers and Mathematics with Applications,\/} vol.~55,
pp.~1735--1753. Elsevier. 2008.

Vlado Keselj and Nick Cercone.
\newblock A Formal Approach to Subgrammar Extraction for NLP.
\newblock {\em Mathematical and Computer Modelling,\/} vol.~45,
pp.~394--403. Elsevier. February 2007.

Haibin Liu and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Combined Mining of Web Server Logs and Web Contents for
Classifying User Navigation Patterns and Predicting Users' Future
\newblock {\em Data \& Knowledge Engineering,\/} vol.~61,
pp.~304--330. Elsevier Science Publishers. May 2007.
(Published on-line in 2006).

Andrija Tomovic, Predrag Janicic, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock n-gram-based Classification and Unsupervised Hierarchical
Clustering of Genome Sequences.
\newblock {\em Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,\/} vol.~81,
pp.~137--153, February 2006.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Starfish: A Perl-based Framework for Text-Embedded Programming
and Preprocessing.
\newblock {\em The Perl Journal,\/} pps.~5, June 2005.

Vlado Keselj and Nick Cercone.
\newblock A Graph Unification Machine for NL Parsing.
\newblock {\em Computers and Mathematics with Applications,\/} vol.~46,
pp.~393--419, 2003.

Nick Cercone, Lijun Hou, Vlado Keselj, Aijun An, Kanlaya Naruedomkul,
and Xiaohua Hu.
\newblock From Computational Intelligence to Web Intelligence.
\newblock {\em IEEE Computer,\/} vol.~35,
pp.~72--76, November 2002.

\subsection*{Refereed Conference Papers}

Harshit Agarwal and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Common N-Gram Method (CNG): A Promising Approach to Detecting
Mental Health Disorders on Social Media.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 23th International Symposium
. IEEE Digital Library. March 2024.

Gaurav Jariwala and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Mimicking Electronic Gaming Machine Player Behavior using
Reinforcement Learning.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2023\/.}
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2023.

Stacey Taylor and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Don't Worry Accountants, ChatGPT Won't be Taking Your Job...
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2023\/.}
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2023.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Automated Authorship Attribution using CNG Distance on Blog
Posts in the Serbian Language.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 22th International Symposium
. IEEE Digital Library. Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2023.

Ahmed Balfagih and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Twitter Arabic Dialect Identification using Different Feature
Engineering Models.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 40th IBIMA Conference\/.}

Ahmed Balfagih and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Twitter Arabic Dialect Identification using AraBERT.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 39th IBIMA Conference\/.}

Gawai, Harsh M. Conrad, Colin D. and Keselj, Vlado.
\newblock It's more than Memes: User Risk Appetite and App Enjoyment
Predict Simulated Mobile Trading App Behavior.
\newblock In {\em CONF-IRM 2022 Proceedings, International Conference on
Information Resources Management (CONF-IRM)\/.}

Balfagih, Ahmed, Keselj, Vlado, and Taylor, Stacey.
\newblock N-gram and Word2Vec Feature Engineering Approaches for Spam
Recognition on Some Influential Twitter Topics in Saudi Arabia.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 2022 ICISDM 6th International
Conference on Information Systems and Data Mining.\/.}

Stacey Taylor and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Don't Blindly use Data: Towards a Data Statement for
Computational Financial Research.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the IEEE BigData Conference, Workshiop
on Responsible AI and Data Ethics (RAIDE)\/.}

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock A Proposal for Universal Preprocessing and Text-Embedded
Programming (PTEP) System.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 21th International Symposium
. IEEE Digital Library. East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March

Stacey Taylor and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Predicting the Distress of Financial Intermediaries using
Convolutional Neural Networks.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Business
Informatics (CBI 2021), IEEE CBI Forum on Artificial Intelligence, and
Data-Driven Business Analytics and Applications\/.}

Tahajjat Begum, Israat Haque, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Deep Learning Models towards Gesture-controlled Drone
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of AnServApp 2020, 2nd International
Workshop on Analytics for Service and Application Management, with CNSM

Dijana Kosmajac, Kirstie Smith, Vlado Keselj, and Susan Kirkland.
\newblock Graph-based Topic Extraction using Centroid Distance of Phrase
Embeddings on Healthy Aging Open-ended Survey Questions.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 1st IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining
for Healthy Aging, IEEE ICDM 2020\/.}
Sorrento, Italy, 2020.

Dijana Kosmajac, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Twitter User Profiling: Bot and Gender Identification.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of CLEF 2020, International Conference of
the Cross-Langauge Evaluation Forum for European Languages\/.}
. Springer, Cham. 2020.

Stacey Taylor and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Using Extractive Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis to Enhance
Understanding of the Impact of Non-GAAP Measures in Financial Reporting.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Financial
Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP 2020), Workshop of
Virtual Conference, 2020.

Stacey Taylor, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock e-Commerce and Sentiment Analysis: Predicting Outcomes of
Class Action Lawsuits.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Third Workshop on e-Commerce and
NLP, ACL 2020 Conference.\/.}
Virtual Conference, July 2020.

Dijana Kosmajac, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Language Distance using Common N-grams Approach.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 19th International Symposium
. IEEE Digital Library. Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2020.

Yichuan Xu, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Stock Prediction using Deep Learning and Sentiment Analysis.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the IEEE BigData Conference, Workshop
on Big Data for Financial News and Data\/.}
Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 2019.

Ahmed Balfagih and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Evaluating Sentiment Classifiers for Bitcoin Tweets in Price
Prediction Task.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the IEEE BigData Conference, Workshop
on Big Data for Financial News and Data\/.}
Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 2019.

Dijana Kosmajac, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Twitter Bot Detection using Diversity Measures.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Natural Language and Speech Processing 2019\/.}
Trento, Italy, September 2019.

Dijana Kosmajac, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock User Profiling: Bot and Gender Identification.
\newblock In {\em CLEF 2019 Working Notes, PAN Lab on Digital Text
Forensics and Stylometry\/.}
Lugano, Switzerland, September 2019.

Dijana Kosmajac, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Automatic Text Summarization of News Articles in Serbian
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 18th International Symposium
. IEEE Digital Library. Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2019.

Olga Tsubiks and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock A Market Analytics Approach to Restaurant Review Data.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Document
. ACM. Halifax, NS, Canada, 2018.

Nisha Simon and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Automatic Term Extraction in Technical Domain using
Part-of-Speech and Common-Word Features.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Document
. ACM. Halifax, NS, Canada, 2018.

Magdalena Jankowska, Colin Conrad, Jabez Harris, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock N-Gram Based Approach for Automatic Prediction of Essay Rubric
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2018\/.}
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 2018, pp.~298--303.

Dijana Kosmajac, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Slavic Language Identification using Cascade Classifier
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 17th International Symposium
. IEEE Digital Library. Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2018.

Dijana Kosmajac and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Language Identification in Multilingual, Short and Noisy Texts
using Common N-Grams.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the IEEE BigData Conference, Workshop
on Big Social Media Data Management and Analysis\/.}
December 2017.

Seyed Armin Sajadi, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Vector Space Representation of Concepts Using Wikipedia Graph
\newblock In {\em International Conference on Applications of Natural
Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2017)\/.}
. Springer. 2017, pp.~393--405.

Dijana Kosmajac, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock EulerianGrapher: Text Visualisation at the Level of Character
N-grams Based on Eulerian Graphs.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Workshop on Exploratory
Search and Interactive Data Analytics\/.}
. ACM. 2017, pp.~59--63.

Colin Conrad, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Predicting Political Donations Using Twitter Hashtags and
Character N-Grams.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Business
Informatics (CBI 2016)\/.}

Colin Conrad, Naureen Ali, Vlado Keselj, and Qigang Gao.
\newblock ELM: An Extended Logic Matching Method on Record Linkage
Analysis of Disparate Databases for Profiling Data Mining.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Business
Informatics (CBI 2016)\/.}

Gabriella Mosquera and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Identifying Behavioral Characteristics in EGM Gambling Data
Using Session Clustering.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of BEAMS 15, Workshop at the IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2015)\/.}
Atlantic City, NS, USA, November 2015.

Aminul Islam, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Do Important Words in Bag-of-Words Model of Text Relatendess
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of TSD 2015\/.}
September 2015.

Armin Sajadi, Evangelos Milios, Vlado Keselj, and Jeannette Janssen.
\newblock Domain-Specific Semantic Relatedness from Wikipedia Structure:
A Case Study in Biomedical Text.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of CICLING 2015\/.}
April 2015.

Aminul Islam, Jie Mei, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock When was Macbeth Written? Mapping Book to Time.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of CICLING 2015\/.}

Magdalena Jankowska, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Author Verification using Common N-gram Profiles of Text
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of COLING 2014\/.}
pps.~10, 2014.

Feifei Xu and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Collective Sentiment Mining of Microblogs in 24-hour Stock
Price Movement Prediction.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the W3SC 2014 Workshop at the IEEE
Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2014)\/.}

Axel Soto, Ryan Kiros, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock In-depth Interactive Visual Exploration for Bridging
Unstructured and Structured Document Content.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of SDM 2014 Workshop on Exploratory Data
Philadelphia, PA, USA, Apr 2014.

Zhishen Yang, Jacek Wolkowicz, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Social Media Corporate User Identification using Text
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2014\/.}
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2014.

Jacek Wolkowicz, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Evaluation of n-Gram-Based Classification Approaches on
Classical Music Corpora.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Mathematics and Computation in
Montreal, Canada, June 2013, pp.~213--225.

Marek Lipczak, Tomasz Niwiarowski, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock Selective Retrieval for Categorization of Semi-structured Web
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2013\/.}
Regina, SK, Canada, May 2013, pp.~126--137.

Jessica Perrie, Aminul Islam, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Using Google n-Grams to Expand Word-Emotion Association
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of CICLING 2013\/.}
Aegan, Samos, Greece, Mar 2013.

Aminul Islam, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Word Relatedness using Google n-grams.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of COLING 2012\/.}
IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, Dec 2012.

Haibin Liu, Vlado Keselj, Christian Blouin, and Karin Verspoor.
\newblock Subgraph Matching-based Literature Mining for Biomedical
Relations and Events.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of AAAI-2012 Fall Symposium on Information
Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery in Biomedical Text\/.}
Arlington, VA, USA, Nov 2012.

Magdalena Jankowska, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock Relative N-Gram Signatures: Document Visualization at the
Level of Character N-Grams.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics
Science and Technology, VAST 2012\/.}
Oct 2012.

Ryan Kiros, Axel J. Soto, Evangelos E. Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Representation Learning for Sparse, High Dimensional
Multi-label Classification.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of RSCTC 2012 (Rough Sets and Current
Trends in Computing)\/.}

Pif Edwards and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock PifMed: A System for Categorical Exploration of MEDLINE
Articles using the MeSH Taxonomy.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Advances in Health Informatics
Conference, AHIC'2012\/.}
Toronto, ON, Canada, April 2012.

Jacek Wolkowicz, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Analysis of Important Factors for Measuring Similarity of
Symbolic Music using n-gram-based, Bag-of-words Approach.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2012\/.}
Toronto, ON, Canada, May 2012.

Aminul Islam, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Ke\v{s}elj.
\newblock Text Similarity using Google Tri-grams.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2012\/.}
Toronto, ON, Canada, May 2012.

Md. Abdur Rahman, Xinghui Zhao, Maria Gabriella Mosquera, Qigang Gao,
Vlado Keselj, Hai Wang.
\newblock Business Lead Generation for Online Real Estate Services: A
Case Study.
\newblock In {\em Proceedigns of DBKDA 2012: The Fourth International
Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data

Jane E. Mason, Michael Shepherd, Jack Duffy, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Classifying Web Pages by Genre: Dealing with Unbalanced
Distributions, Multiple Labels, and Noise.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of WEBIST 2011, 7th International
Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies\/.}
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 2011.

Haibin Liu, Vlado Keselj, and Christian Blouin.
\newblock Biological Event Extraction using Subgraph Matching.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on
Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM-2010)\/.}
Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK, October 2010.

Jacek Wolkowicz and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Predicting Development of Research in Music Based on Parallels
with Natural Language Processing.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 11th International Society for Music
Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), f(MIR) Workshop\/.}
Utrecht, Netherlands, August 2010, pp.~665--667.

Pif Edwards and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock MeSH Represented MEDLINE Query Results.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2010\/.}
Vol.~LNAI 6085 of {\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer},
Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 2010, pp.~75--86.

Matthew Butler and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Data Mining Techniques for Proactive Fault Diagnostics of
Electronic Gaming Machines.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2010\/.}
Vol.~LNAI 6085 of {\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer},
Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 2010, pp.~366--369.

Jane E. Mason, Michael Shepherd, Jack Duffy, Vlado Keselj, Carolyn
\newblock An n-gram Based Approach to Multi-labeled Web Page Genre
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 43rd Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences\/.}
Hawaii, January 2010.

Hathai Tanta-ngai, Evangelos E. Milios, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Self-organizing Peer-to-Peer Network for Collaborative
Document Tracking.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of CIKM 2009 Workshop. Complex Networks in
Information \& Knowledge Management. ACM Eighteenth Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'2009)\/.}
Hongkong, China. November 2009.

Vlado Keselj, Haibin Liu, Norbert Zeh, Christian Blouin, Chris Whidden.
\newblock Finding Optimal Parameters for Edit Distance Based Sequence
Classification is NP-Hard.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of StReBio'09, KDD-09 Workshop on
Statistical Relational Mining and Learning in Bioinformatics\/.}
Paris, France, June 2009.

Jacek Wolkowicz, Stephen Brooks, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock MidiVis: Visualizing Music Pieces Structure via Similarity
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of ICMC2009, The 2009 International
Computer Music Conference\/.}
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 2009.

Haibin Liu, Christian Blouin, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Identifying Interaction Sentences from Biological Literature
Using Automatically Extracted Patterns.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of BioNLP 2009, NAACL/HLT 2009
Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2009.

Matthew Butler and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Financial Forecasting using Character N-Gram Analysis and
Readability Scores of Annual Reports.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2009\/.}
Kelowna, BC, Canada, May 2009.

Matthew Butler and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Optimizing a Pseudo Financial Factor Model with Support Vector
Machine and Genetic Programming.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2009\/.}
Kelowna, BC, Canada, May 2009.

Jacek Wolkowicz, Malcolm Heywood, Vlado Ke\v{s}elj.
\newblock Evolving Indirectly Represented Melodies with Corpus-based
Fitness Evaluation.
\newblock In {\em 7th European Workshop on Evolutionary and Biologically
Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design (EvoMUSART'2009)\/.}
Tubingen, Germany, April 2009.

Haibin Liu, Christian Blouin, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock An Unsupervised Method for Extracting Domain-specific Affixes
in Biological Literature.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of BioNLP 2007, ACL 2007 Workshop\/.}
Prague, Czech Republic, June 29 2007.

Hathai Tanta-ngai, Vlado Keselj, Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Shrack: Description and Performance Evaluation of a
Peer-to-Peer System for Document Sharing and Tracking using Pull-Only
Information Dissemination.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of The Fourth International Workshop on
Hot Topics in Peer-to-Peer Systems (Hot-P2P), Workshop of 21st IEEE
International Parallel \& Distributed Processing Symposium\/.}
Long Beach, California, USA, pps.~8, March 2007.

Haewon Chung, Vlado Keselj, and Ray Sweidan.
\newblock A Semi-Structured e-Forms Approach to Deployment of Electronic
Clinical Guidelines: A Proposal.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on
Health Information Management Research (iSHIMR 2006)\/.}
. Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University. Halifax, Canada,
2006, pp.~289--295.

Chris Jordan, John Healy, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Swordfish: An Unsupervised Ngram Based Approach to
Morphological Analysis.
\newblock In {\em SIGIR '06: Proceedings of the 29th Annual
International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in
Information Retrieval\/.}
. ACM Press. Seattle, Washington, USA, August 2006, pp.~657--658.

Jonathan Doyle and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Automatic Categorization of Author Gender via N-Gram Analysis.
\newblock In {\em The 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,
Chiang Rai, Thailand, December 2005.

Lalita Narupiyakul, Nick Cercone, Vlado Keselj, and Booncharoen
\newblock Focus and Speech Act in Prosodic Analysis for Spoken Language
\newblock In {\em The 6th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,
Chiang Rai, Thailand, December 2005.

Yingbo Miao, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock Document Clustering using Character N-grams: A Comparative
Evaluation with Term-based and Word-based Clustering.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of ACM Fourteenth Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2005)\/.}
Bremen, Germany, November 2005.

Calvin Thomas, Vlado Keselj, Nick Cercone, Kenneth Rockwood, and Elissa
\newblock Automatic Detection and Rating of Dementia of Alzheimer Type
through Lexical Analysis of Spontaneous Speech.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of IEEE ICMA 2005\/.}
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, July 2005.

Vlado Keselj and Dawn Jutla.
\newblock QTIP: Multi-Agent NLP and Privacy Architecture for Information
Retrieval in Usable Web Privacy Software.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence
Conference 2005\/.}
Compiegne University of Technology, France, 2005.
18\% acceptance rate.

Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Nick Cercone, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Biological Named Entity Recognition using N-grams and
Classification Methods.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics, PACLING'05\/.}
Meisei University, Hino Campus, Hino-shi, Tokyo, 191-8506 Japan, August

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Question-Answering with Relaxed Unification.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics, PACLING'05\/.}
Meisei University, Hino Campus, Hino-shi, Tokyo, 191-8506 Japan, August

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock A Probabilistic Evaluation Function for Relaxed Unification.
\newblock In {\em The 29th Annual International Computer Software and
Applications Conference (IEEE COMPSAC~2005)\/.}
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2005.

Jiayun Guo, Vlado Keselj, and Qigang Gao.
\newblock Integrating Web Content Clustering into Web Log Association
Rule Mining.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of Canadian AI'2005\/.}
Vol.~LNAI 3501 of {\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer},
Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2005, pp.~182--193.

Anthony Cox, Tony Abou-Assaleh, Wei Ai, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Lexical Source-Code Transformation.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the STS'04 Workshop at GPCE/OOPSLA\/.}
Vancouver, Canada, October 2004.

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, Vlado Keselj, and Ray Sweidan.
\newblock Detection of New Malicious Code Using N-gram Signatures.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on
Privacy, Security, and Trust (PST'04)\/.}
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, October 2004.

Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Vlado Keselj, and Nick Cercone.
\newblock Two Experiments in Biological Term Annotation using
Classification Methods.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the First Biotechnology and
Bioinformatics Symposium (BIOT-04)\/.}
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, September 2004.

Vlado Keselj and Nick Cercone.
\newblock PPDN--A Framework for Peer-to-peer Collaborative Research
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on
Web-based Support Systems (WSS'04)\/.}
Beijing, China, September 2004.
In conjunction with 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web
Intelligence. pp.~88--93.

Asad Satti, Nick Cercone, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Experiments in Web Page Classification for Semantic Web.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on
Web-based Support Systems (WSS'04)\/.}
Beijing, China, September 2004.
In conjunction with 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, Vlado Keselj, and Ray Sweidan.
\newblock N-gram-based Detection of New Malicious Code.
\newblock In {\em The 28th Annual International Computer Software and
Applications Conference (IEEE COMPSAC~2004)\/.}
Hong Kong, China, September 2004.

Vlado Keselj, Tanja Keselj, and Larisa Zlatic.
\newblock R{j}ecnik.com: English--Serbo-Croatian Electronic Dictionary.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of COLING'04 Workshop on Enhancing and
Using Electronic Dictionaries.\/.}
Geneve, Switzerland, August 2004.

Vlado Keselj, Fuchun Peng, Nick Cercone, and Calvin Thomas.
\newblock N-gram-based Author Profiles for Authorship Attribution.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics, PACLING'03\/.}
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 2003,

Fuchun Peng, Dale Schuurmans, Vlado Keselj, and Shaojun Wang.
\newblock Automated Authorship Attribution with Character Level Language
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European
Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2003)\/.}
Budapest, Hungary, April 12--17 2003.

Abou-Assaleh, Tony, Cercone, Nick, and Keselj, Vlado.
\newblock An Overview of the Theory of Relaxed Unification.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the International Conference on
Advances in the Internet, Processing, Systems, Interdisciplinary
Research, IPSI-2003\/.}
Sveti Stefan, Serbia and Montenegro, October 5--11, 2003.

Abou-Assaleh, Tony, Cercone, Nick, and Keselj, Vlado.
\newblock Towards the Theory of Relaxed Unification.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, ISMIS 2003\/.}
Vol.~LNAI 2871 of {\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer},
Maebashi City, Japan, October 28--31, 2003.

Abou-Assaleh, Tony, Cercone, Nick, and Keselj, Vlado.
\newblock Expressing Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars in the Relaxed
Unification Formalism.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics, PACLING'03\/.}
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 2003,

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Modular HPSG.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics Conference\/.}
Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 2001.

Vlado Keselj and Nick Cercone.
\newblock Just-in-time subgrammar extraction for HPSG.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics, PACLING'01\/.}
Kitakyushu, Japan, September 2001.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Question Answering using Unification-based Grammar.
\newblock In {\em Advances in Artificial Intelligence, AI 2001\/.}
Vol.~LNAI 2056 of {\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer},
Ottawa, Canada, June 2001, pp.~297--306.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock An HPSG formalism for Implementing a Java parser.
\newblock In {\em The Fourth Symposium on Natural Language Processing,
Chiang Mai, Thailand, May 2000.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Java parser for HPSGs: Why and How.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics, PACLING'99\/.}
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 1999, pp.~288--294.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Grammar Model and Grammar Induction in the System NL PAGE.
\newblock In {\em Grammatical Inference, 4th International Colloquium
Vol.~1433 of {\it Lecture Notes in Computer Science}. Springer. Ames,
Iowa, USA, 1998, pp.~57--66.

\subsection*{Conference Papers Refereed by Extended Abstract}

Vlado Keselj and Tanja Keselj.
\newblock What do users want from an on-line dictionary: A seven-years
usage study of an e-dictionary.
\newblock In {\em 9th INTEX/NooJ Conference\/.}
Belgrade, Serbia, 2006.

\subsection*{Non-refereed Conference Papers}

Wranik-Lohrenz, Tymon, Abramson, Darren, and Keselj, Vlado.
\newblock Cross-lingual Tokenization of Slavic Languages in Large
Language Models.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of FASL33\/.}
Halifax, NS, Canada, May 2024.

Susan Kirkland, Dhivya Jayaraman, Vlado Keselj, Matko Bosnjak, Lindsay
Kobayashi, Theo D. Cosco, Yoko Ishigami-Doyle.
\newblock Older Adults' Perspectives on Healthy Aging in the Canadian
Longitudinal Study on Aging: A Machine Learning Approach to Qualitative
CAG2018.ca Making it Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research,
Practice and Policy,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2018.
Extended abstract.

Dhivya Jayaraman and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Automatic Summarization of Canadian Longitudinal Study on
Aging (CLSA) Data.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2018),
Extended abstract.

Kenneth Power, Vlado Keselj, and Dijana Kosmajac.
\newblock Regional Language and Dialect Visualization using Twitter Data
and Character N-gram Analysis.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2018),
Extended abstract.

Dijana Kosmajac, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock DalTeam@INLI-FIRE-2017: Native Language Identification using
SVM with SGD Training.
\newblock In {\em FIRE 2017, Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation,
Working Notes on Indian Native Language Identification (INLI) Track\/.}
December 2017.
Best performing submission. pp.~118--122.

Anh Dang, Raheleh Makki, Abidalrahman Moh'd, Aminul Islam, Vlado Keselj,
and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Real Time Filtering of Tweets using Wikipedia Concepts and
Google Tri-gram Semantic Relatedness.
\newblock In {\em The Twenty-Fourth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2015.

Dijana Kosmajac and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Language Identification of Short Texts: An Overview of
Methodologies Based on Character N-Grams.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2015),
Extended abstract.

Magdalena Jankowska, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Authorship Attribution with Topically Unbalanced Train Data.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2015),
Extended abstract.

Magdalena Jankowska, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Ensambles of Proximity-Based One-Class Classifiers for Author
\newblock In {\em Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2014 Working Notes\/.}
CLEF 2014,

Magdalena Jankowska, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Author Verification using Common N-Gram Profiles of Text
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2014),
Extended abstract.

Magdalena Jankowska, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Proximity Based One-class Classification with Common N-Gram
Dissimilarity for Authorship Verification Task.
\newblock In {\em CLEF 2013 Evaluation Labs and Workshop\/.}
CLEF 2013,

Magdalena Jankowska, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock CNG Text Classification for Authorship Profiling Task.
\newblock In {\em CLEF 2013 Evaluation Labs and Workshop\/.}
CLEF 2013,

Magdalena Jankowska, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Proximity based one-class classification with Common N-Gram
dissimilarity for authorship verification task.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2013),
Extended abstract.

Armin Sajadi, Evangelos Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Graph-based Domain-specific Semantic Relatedness from
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2013),
Extended abstract.

Yannick Marchand, Vlado Keselj, Evangelos Milios, and Michael Shepherd.
\newblock Quantifying the Role of the Opinion Lexicon in Sentiment
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of #Influence12: Symposium \& Workshop on
Measuring Influence on Social Media\/.}
\#Influence12: Symposium \& Workshop on Measuring Influence on Social
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, September 2012.
Extended abstract.

Axel Soto, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Interactive Clustering of Semi-Structured Documents.
IBM CASCON 2012 Technology Showcases,
Best Technology Showcase award.

Axel Soto, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Interactive Clustering of Semi-Structured Documents.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2012),
Extended abstract.

Armin Sajadi, Evangelos E. Milios, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Extractig Semantics Relatedness from Wikipedia.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (DCSI~2012),
Extended abstract.

Kunal Mohindra, Ingrid Sketris, Heather Lummis, Susan Bowles, and Vlado
\newblock Developing Indicators for Sedative-Hypnotic Drug Use at an
Acute Care Hospital in Nova Scotia.
Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Health
Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR),
May 2011.
Abstract and poster presentation (refereed by abstract).

Hathai Tanta-ngai, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Building a Self-organizing Peer-to-peer Network in Shrack -- A
P2P System for Scientific Document Tracking.
APICS 2009 -- APICS Mathematics, Statistics and Computer
Science Conference,
Extended abstract.

Katherine Magee and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock EulMiner: A Graph-based Interactive Visualization for
Biomedical Term Identification.
APICS 2009 -- APICS Mathematics, Statistics and Computer
Science Conference,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 2009.

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Chris Whidden, Vlado Ke\v{s}elj, Hathai Tanta-ngai,
and Nick Cercone.
\newblock {DalTREC} 2007 QA System Jellyfish: Experiments with
Integration of Lucene and GATE, and Improved Usage of WordNet and Qrel.
\newblock In {\em The Fiftheenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2007.

Hathai Tanta-ngai, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos E. Milios.
\newblock Shrack: A Pull-Only Peer-to-Peer Framework for Document
Sharing and Tracking.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (\#dcsi 2007),
Extended abstract, pp.~9--10.

Haibin Liu, Christian Blouin, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock A Practical Method for Extracting Prefixes and Suffixes of
Biological Terms.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House Conference (\#dcsi 2007),
Extended abstract, pp.~1--2.

Vlado Ke\v{s}elj, Tony Abou-Assaleh, and Nick Cercone.
\newblock {DalTREC} 2006 QA System Jellyfish: Regular Expressions
Mark-and-Match Approach to Question Answering.
\newblock In {\em The Fourtheenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2006.

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Vlado Keselj, and Nick Cercone.
\newblock Probabilistic Inference in First-Order Logic Using Relaxed
CAIMS-MITACS 2006 Joint Annual Conference,
York University, Toronto, ON Poster presentation; Tony awarded 3rd

Vlado Ke\v{s}elj, Evangelos Milios, Andrew Tuttle, Singer Wang, and
Roger Zhang.
\newblock {DalTREC} 2005 Spam Track: Spam Filtering using N-gram-based
\newblock In {\em The Fourtheenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2005)
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2005.

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, Jon Doyle, Vlado Ke\v{s}elj, and Chris
\newblock {DalTREC} 2005 QA System Jellyfish: Mark-and-Match Approach to
Question Answering.
\newblock In {\em The Fourtheenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2005)
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2005.

Haibin Liu and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Combined Mining of Web Server Logs and Web Contents.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House
Conference (DCSI 2005),
pps.~2, 2005.
Extended abstract.

Gregory Zaverucha and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Efficient Pairing-Based Cryptography.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House
Conference (DCSI 2005),
pps.~2, 2005.
Extended abstract.

Vlado Ke\v{s}elj, Anthony Cox.
\newblock {DalTREC} 2004: Question Answering using Regular Expression
\newblock In {\em The Thirteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2004)
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2004.

Vlado Keselj and Nick Cercone.
\newblock CNG Method with Weighted Voting.
\newblock In {\em Ad-hoc Authorship Attribution Competition (AAAC)\/.}
June 2004.
Part of ALLC/ACH 2004 conference, extended abstract..

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Natural language parsing for Internet information retrieval.
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of 1997 TRIO/ITRC Researcher Retreat\/.}
May 1997.

\subsection*{Technical Reports}

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Starfish: A Prototype for Universal Preprocessing and
Text-Embedded Programming.
Technical Report 2007.02366, arXiv.org, 2020.

Pif Edwards and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock MedicInfoSys: An Architecture for an Evidence-Based Medical
Information Research and Delivery System.
Technical Report CS-2009-05, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS, Canada, October 2009.

Jacek Wolkowicz, Michael Shepherd, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Wikipedia Search: Combining Language Modeling and Link
Technical Report CS-2009-01, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS, Canada, January 2009.

Haibin Liu, Christian Blouin, and Vlado Keselj.
\newblock An Unsupervised Method for Extracting Domain-specific Affixes
in Biological Literature.
Technical Report CS-2008-01, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS, Canada, January 2008.

Yingbo Miao, Vlado Keselj, and Evangelos Milios.
\newblock Document Clustering using Character N-grams: A Comparative
Evaluation with Term-based and Word-based Clustering.
Technical Report CS-2005-23, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS, Canada, September 2005.

Tomovic, Andrija, Janicic, Predrag, and Keselj, Vlado.
\newblock N-gram-based Classification and Hierarchical Clustering of
Genome Sequences.
Technical Report CS-2005-02, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS, Canada, March 2005.

Vlado Keselj and Nick Cercone.
\newblock A Graph Unification Machine for NL Parsing.
Technical Report CS-2002-01, Department of Computer Science, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, January 2002.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Just-in-time subgrammar extraction for HPSG.
Technical Report CS-2001-08, Department of Computer Science, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, March 2001.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Modular HPSG.
Technical Report CS-2001-05, Department of Computer Science, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, February 2001.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Stefy: Java Parser for HPSGs, Version 0.1.
Technical Report CS-99-26, Department of Computer Science, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2000.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Multi-agent systems for Internet information retrieval using
natural language processing.
Technical Report CS-98-24, Department of Computer Science, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1998.
Reprint of Master's thesis.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Length of Finite Pierce Series: Theoretical Analysis and
Numerical Computations.
Technical Report CS-96-21, Department of Computer Science, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1996.

\subsection*{PhD Thesis}

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Modular Stochastic HPSGs for Question Answering.
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, June 2002.

\subsection*{Master's Thesis}

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Multi-agent systems for Internet information retrieval using
natural language processing.
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1998.
Reprinted as [tr98].

\subsection*{Other Selected Publications}

Sylvain Charlebois, Andrea Rankin, Stacey Taylor, Vlado Keselj, Gumataw
Abebe, Stefanie Colombo, Kathleen Kevany, Paola A. Marignani, Janet
Music, Rick Nason, Phoebe Stephens, Samantha Taylor, Simon Somogyi,
Ethan Jackson, Graham Taylor, Maria Corradini, Sara El-Shawa, Jess
Halnes, Paul Uys, Erna Van Duren, Stuart Smyth, Rim Lassoued, Kelleen
Wiseman, Richard Brichello, Matias Margulis, Isabelle Lavole, Janet
Lord, Kim Humes, Erin Lee.
\newblock Canada's Food Price Report 2023, 13th Edition.
. Dalhousie University, University of Guelph,
University of Saskatchewan, University of British Columbia. 2022.

Sylvain Charlebois, Alyssa Gerhardt, Stacey Taylor, Mitchell Kane, Vlado
Keselj, Elizabeth Fitting, Kathleen Kevany, Stefanie Colombo, Janet
Music, Don Fiander, Tiff-Annie Kenny, Gumataw Abebe, Simon Somogyi,
Ethan Jackson, Sara El-Shawa, Graham Taylor, Jess Haines, Maria
Corradini, Paul Uys, Erna Van Duren, Stuart Smyth, James Vercammen,
Kelleen Wiseman, Richard Brichello, Matias Margulis, Krisha Lim, Meng
\newblock Canada's Food Price Report 2022.
. Dalhousie University, University of Guelph,
University of Saskatchewan, University of British Columbia. 2021.

Sylvain Charlebois, Eamonn McGuinty, Vlado Keselj, Caterine Mah, Andrea
Giusto, Janet Music, Simon Somogyi, Francis Tapon, Paul Uys, Erna Van
Duren, Jay Harris, Joon Son.
\newblock Canada's Food Price Report 2019.
. Dalhousie University, University of Guelph, Nova Scotia
Community College (NSCC). 2018.

Catherine Mah, Sylvain Charlebois, Jay Harris, Vlado Keselj, Paul Uys,
Mustafa Koroglu, Francis Tapon, Erna H van Duren, Simon Somogyi, Andrea
\newblock Canada's Food Price Report 2018.
. Dalhousie University, University of Guelph. 2017.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Book Review: Speech and Language Processing (second edition)
by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin.
\newblock {\em Computational Linguistics,\/} vol.~35,
pp.~463--466. MIT Press. 2009.

Vlado Keselj, Nick Cercone, Calvin Thomas, Ken Rockwood, and Elissa Asp.
\newblock Analysis of Spontaneous Speech in Dementia of Alzheimer Type:
Experiments with Morphological and Lexical Analysis.
June 2004.
Talk given at the PUL Workshop, 23-Apr-2004; Poster and abstract
presented at IS'2004 Conference in Ottawa, June 2004..

Tony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Applying HPSG with Relaxed Unification to Question Answering.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House
Conference (DCSI 2004),
pps.~2, 2004.
Poster, extended abstract.

Sittichai Jiampojamarn, Vlado Keselj, Nick~Cercone.
\newblock Automatic biological term annotation using classification.
The Annual Dalhousie Computer Science In-House
Conference (DCSI 2004),
pps.~2, 2004.
Poster, extended abstract.

Kenneth Rockwood, Elissa Asp, Vlado Keselj, and Michael McAllister.
\newblock Unobtrusive Technology for Alzheimer's Disease.
Ottawa, Canada Poster presentation given at the PRECARN Intelligent
Technologies presentation, related to the Prime Ministers'

Keselj, Vlado, Asp, Elissa, Rockwood, Kenneth, and Cercone, Nick.
\newblock Computational analysis of language used by Alzheimer patients
in interviews: An objective method for discriminating between healthy
and demented individuals.
\newblock In {\em 6th Annual Symposium on the Treatment of Alzheimer's
Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 26--29 2003.

Vlado Keselj and Dale Schuurmans.
\newblock Course notes CS486/686:Introduction to Artificial
Waterloo, Canada, December 2001.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock TREC-9 Question Answering: Some general and some specific
Waterloo, Canada, December 2000.

Vlado Keselj.
\newblock Java Tutorial for CS240.
Waterloo, Canada, October 1998.

© 2007-2024 Vlado Keselj, last update: 13-Aug-2024