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DalTREC 2007 QA System Jellyfish: Experiments with Integration of Lucene and GATE, and Improved Usage of WordNet and Qrel

Title: DalTREC 2007 QA System Jellyfish: Experiments with Integration of Lucene and GATE, and Improved Usage of WordNet and Qrel
Author(s):Tony Abou-Assaleh, Chris Whidden, Vlado Keselj, Hathai Tanta-ngai, and Nick Cercone
Reference: DalTREC 2007 QA System Jellyfish: Experiments with Integration of Lucene and GATE, and Improved Usage of WordNet and Qrel
Tony Abou-Assaleh, Chris Whidden, Vlado Keselj, Hathai Tanta-ngai, and Nick Cercone. In The Fiftheenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2007), Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 2007.